Hitman – March 2016

It’s strange being on the ferry with you sat 11 rows ahead of me, not speaking to you knowing we had spent last Saturday together entangled and deep in the moment. But we both like our private time to ourselves and it’s comforting to know you are not too far.

It was December 6th 2015 and freakishly cold and I was ridiculously tired but at this point inebriated hoping the sugar in the alcohol will keep me up long enough for the after party. I had $1500 in my pocket, which I was supposed to not spend, but 3 drinks later that didn’t matter. I made my way back to the Garden Pub and saw my neighbour and you deep in conversation, being a woman of inclusiveness and a ‘little’ drunk I persuaded you both to come join me at the after party.

Briefly as we met, you stood out to me as a bumbling and a tad awkward northerner but it wasn’t here that we connected, neither did we connect on my neighbours rooftop lunch party, but I was aware of your movements and watched you amusingly and curiously.

We did however get a chance to chat and connect on the ferry a few times, and then you invited me to a writers circle, but I’m still not sure where it was when I decided, was it Valentines weekend when we spent a considerable time together that you crept into my soul unknowingly, in my minds mind I had already labeled you the surrogate older brother, so I’m not sure how it all happened, how you crawled under my skin and now have me consumed to no end.