Hitman – March 2016

It’s strange being on the ferry with you sat 11 rows ahead of me, not speaking to you knowing we had spent last Saturday together entangled and deep in the moment. But we both like our private time to ourselves and it’s comforting to know you are not too far.

It was December 6th 2015 and freakishly cold and I was ridiculously tired but at this point inebriated hoping the sugar in the alcohol will keep me up long enough for the after party. I had $1500 in my pocket, which I was supposed to not spend, but 3 drinks later that didn’t matter. I made my way back to the Garden Pub and saw my neighbour and you deep in conversation, being a woman of inclusiveness and a ‘little’ drunk I persuaded you both to come join me at the after party.

Briefly as we met, you stood out to me as a bumbling and a tad awkward northerner but it wasn’t here that we connected, neither did we connect on my neighbours rooftop lunch party, but I was aware of your movements and watched you amusingly and curiously.

We did however get a chance to chat and connect on the ferry a few times, and then you invited me to a writers circle, but I’m still not sure where it was when I decided, was it Valentines weekend when we spent a considerable time together that you crept into my soul unknowingly, in my minds mind I had already labeled you the surrogate older brother, so I’m not sure how it all happened, how you crawled under my skin and now have me consumed to no end.


There she sat somewhat inebriated, sapphires burning brightly looking at me. Sporty Tomboy with curves, what more could I ask for? She also happened to be sat between the godmother of lesbians but I didn’t care. I was drawn to sapphires and her gems and I wanted to be a little twinkle in her eye for a time.

This was going to prove to be just a tad of a challenge after I mentioned I had a wife. It would be disappointing if it weren’t. But single insecure tomboy with a sexual appetite of a bonobo monkey would be an easy one to charm and seduce despite the adulterous sin. Sapphire was open to new sexual experiences and I was confident that we were on the same page.

We had been flirting for a short time over a few unofficial unspoken agreed dates and as we both had a common interest in film and photography the dates were never short of creative conversation and ideas. However, I was new to HK and didn’t want to risk venturing too far from the wifey and not working meant not finding any valid excuses yet to stay out late. So it was all a waiting game and the waiting was creating an explosive sexual build-up. Then one week the wifey was away visiting family and naturally the Henry Wooton in me took over.

One evening after a night on the tiles in Hong Kong, I went home alone. A large part of me felt guilty and wanted to do the right thing. You know, sometimes the narcissist can occasionally feel that the arsehole in me can take a back seat every once in a while. So there I go, home all alone. But my body was speaking a different language and there was this deep inner voice that couldn’t let it rest. I looked at my mobile and bit my lip anxiously. “Sapphire” and there it goes all resistance was futile.

It so happened I had a short script for her to read and I asked her to come round to have a look. At 2am. Naturally she came. It goes without saying that after I said she could sleep in my bed with the promise of not making any moves that I am not very good at keeping these kinds of promises and so the affair started.

The affair was short once she showed that she was falling for me. I always said I loved my wife and would never leave her. This however was going to be a problem now so I went through detachment process, which always involved hurting them and Sapphire was definitely no exception. Luckily four years on we have a solid friendship but we will always hold a little torch for each other and to this day remain strong platonic friends.